An introduction to Deep Q-Learning: let’s play Doom
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来自Thomas Simonini Deep Reinforcement Learning Course Part 3: An introduction to Deep Q-Learning: let’s play Doom
How does Deep Q-Learning work
Preprocessing part
The problem of temporal limitation
We stack frames together because it helps us to handle the problem of temporal limitation.
If we give him only one frame at a time, it has no idea of motion. And how can it make a correct decision, if it can’t determine where and how fast objects are moving?
Using convolution networksUsing convolution networks
Experience Replay: making more efficient use of observed experience
Experience replay will help us to handle two things:
Avoid forgetting previous experiences.
Reduce correlations between experiences.
Avoid forgetting previous experiences
We have a big problem: the variability of the weights, because there is high correlation between actions and states.
Reducing correlation between experiences
We have two parallel strategies to handle this problem.
First, we must stop learning while interacting with the environment. We should try different things and play a little randomly to explore the state space. We can save these experiences in the replay buffer.
Then, we can recall these experiences and learn from them. After that, go back to play with updated value function.
Our Deep Q-Learning algorithm
Initialize Doom Environment E
Initialize replay Memory M with capacity N (= finite capacity)
Initialize the DQN weights w
for episode in max_episode:
s = Environment state
for steps in max_steps:
Choose action a from state s using epsilon greedy.
Take action a, get r (reward) and s' (next state)
Store experience tuple <s, a, r, s'> in M
s = s' (state = new_state)
Get random minibatch of exp tuples from M
Set Q_target = reward(s,a) + γmaxQ(s')
Update w = α(Q_target - Q_value) * ∇w Q_value
There are two processes that are happening in this algorithm:
We sample the environment where we perform actions and store the observed experiences tuples in a replay memory.
Select the small batch of tuple random and learn from it using a gradient descent update step.