leetcode [394] 字符串解码
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编码规则为: k[encoded_string],表示其中方括号内部的 encoded_string 正好重复 k 次。注意 k 保证为正整数。
此外,你可以认为原始数据不包含数字,所有的数字只表示重复的次数 k ,例如不会出现像 3a 或 2[4] 的输入。
s = “3[a]2[bc]”, 返回 “aaabcbc”. s = “3[a2[c]]”, 返回 “accaccacc”. s = “2[abc]3[cd]ef”, 返回 “abcabccdcdcdef”.
class Solution:
def decodeString(self, s: str) -> str:
if s == '' or '[' not in s and ']' not in s:
return s
# find number
k1, k2 = 0, 0
while k1 < len(s) and s[k1] not in '0123456789':
k1 += 1
k2 = k1 + 1
while k2 < len(s) and s[k2] in '0123456789':
k2 += 1
# find left [
i = k2
while i < len(s) and s[i] != '[':
i += 1
# find right ]
j = i + 1
# # of left [
left = 1
while j < len(s):
if s[j] == ']':
left -= 1
if left == 0:
if s[j] == '[':
left += 1
j += 1
res = s[:k1] + int(s[k1:k2]) * self.decodeString(s[i + 1: j]) + self.decodeString(s[j + 1:])
return res